Week 9 & 10

Hi reader friends. I couldn't write last Saturday because I had my project review-1 to be completed last Monday. But, my turn came only on Tuesday and I completed it without much problem and the feedback from the panel members were neither good nor bad. Happy to complete the review without much problem. We had a class committee meeting where my name was taken up for discussion for a small complaint against me but HOD came for rescue and helped me from the situation. She has a good opinion about me so things are going smoothly for me. 

Another funny incident happened last Friday (Sep-17). All my class boys decided to go for a movie that night at 9.30 pm. We went to cinema hall and booked the tickets and were waiting for one of our friends to arrive. To our surprise our HOD also came there to watch the same movie with her family. She saw us first and introduced her family members to me. After that incident we din't meet her till we faced her in the review the next week. We were very afraid that she would quote the incident if we don't do the review well but the review went on well and there were no problems. 

Apart from these things we had a company coming for internship recruitment which I din't attend. Lingesh has cleared the first round and waiting for the results of the final round that would be announced on Monday. Now we are preparing for the second cycle assessment that is starting on Monday and counting the days for the end semester exams. Hope everything goes on well and comes to conclusion without much pressure for us. Happy weekend to all the reader friends till I come up with my next update.

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My Chicken Gravy Recipe

As I wrote in my last post, Mr.Premnath  and I prepared chicken gravy last Sunday. I have shared my experience of making chicken gravy in this post. We din't have the idea of cooking non-veg until he called me around 11am and told me about the idea. First I refused to cook because I had no experience. Expect coffee, tea, dosa and recently chutni I don't know to prepare any dish. With a little hesitation I accepted to cook with him. We bought chicken and all the necessary ingredients and went to his home. Below is the recipe that we followed.

1. 100 gms of onion
2. Garlic, ginger and coconut paste
3. Sakthi chicken masala (50 gms)
4. Chicken (half a kg)
5. Potatoes and tomatoes (half a kg together)
6. Add chillies and salt to your taste

1. Heat some oil and fry chopped onion until it turns to golden brown color.
2. Now add chicken and then the paste with some water and stir it nicely.
3. Then add the cut vegetables and sakthi chicken masala and stir it for 30 minutes.
4. Add salt to taste while stirring so that it doesn't stick to only few pieces of chicken.
5. Before turning the stove off add some coriander and curry leaves for smell and taste and serve hot.

This is the recipe that we followed. I don't advise all of you to follow this for good taste but those who don't know to cook non-veg can try out this one because we had a fantastic lunch that day. Now I added one more dish to my cooking menu. 

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Week 8

First of all I like to wish all the reader friends a happy Ganesh Chathurthi. It was a nice week with little rain in the evenings on most of the weekdays that took the heat away from the city. A week with 3 continuous holidays is sure to set up a perfect holiday mood. I am relaxing a lot in these holidays by just watching movies and sleeping. Yesterday night I watched the movie "Robin Hood" and the day before I watched "Expendables". Both the movies are worth watching atleast once. Still I have around 10 movies in my laptop that I have not watched. These days I don't find time to watch movies because I have some work to do that is related to my main project. 

Last Saturday after writing my weekly post, I along with two of my classmates (Lingesh and Vinoth) went to Mr.Premnath's home in the evening for a cup of tea after his request. We prepared it ourselves and fortunately it was nice. We kept on talking till 8 pm after which he asked us to have dinner in his home. Vinoth left after having tea and then we three of us got ready for dinner. I prepared coconut chutni because only I knew how to do it among the three of us. I din't learn it until my mother taught me during last vacation. Again fortunately the chutni was good  and we had a nice dinner. Lingesh and I left his home after 11 pm that night when it was raining but not heavily. 

Sunday was the day that I cannot forget because I made chicken gravy that day along with Mr.Premnath. I thought of writing a post about it but din't find time. I will write the experience of making chicken gravy in my next post.

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In Front of Aero Dept., MIT

These photos were taken inside the MIT campus in front of Aeronautical department. The person in the striped t-shirt standing with me in the first photo is Mr.Premnath. The guy in yellow t-shirt is Vinoth and the one in last photo is Lingesh.

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Week 7

It was yet another normal week with only four working days. Wednesday was local government holiday (Krishna Jayanthi). I went to Kumaran Kundran temple that day evening and its only the second time I am visiting this temple. This time I went alone. The temple is situated on a hill and its a nice place to relax since its always quiet and calm. I am planning to post some photos of the temple and the view of Chromepet from Kumaran Kundram in this blog. 

The classes went on as usual and there were no internals and no reviews during this week. The next week is gonna be hectic because we have got class committee meeting, first review, placements..etc., Everything  will happen in the same week, so I have to pull up the socks. I have proposed some novelties to my project guide and we are narrowing down on it and hopefully we will be finalizing it on Monday.

Still I have not resumed playing badminton. All of us who play regularly have got some problems which has kept us away from the court. Hopefully we would start within a week again. Overall it was a peaceful week.

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Photos: Visit to Mahabalipuram

These photos were taken during the visit to Mahabalipuram. The guy in blue t-shirt is Vivek, pink shirt is Vinoth, white shirt is Chandru, the guy with glasses is Lingesh.You know me.